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Spanish and French

We are thrilled to introduce expanded language support, now offering audios in Spanish and French alongside our existing English and Chinese options. Please note that we are supporting 3 English accents : American, British, and Indian.

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Shan Huang

Founder & CEO

Beyond Echo Chambers: Navigating News with Listen2.AI

The world of news has become a battleground, where truth is often cloaked in the garb of perspective, and voices clamor not for understanding but for dominance. In this fray, echo chambers have risen like fortresses, sheltering us from the discomfort of dissenting voices, from the challenge of contrary views. Within these walls, news is a mirror, reflecting not the world as it is, but as we wish to see it, reinforcing our beliefs without question.

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Shan Huang

Founder & CEO

Bridging Worlds: The Power of Multilingual News in Connecting Cultures

The world has grown smaller, distances shortened by wires and waves, bringing people closer than ever before. Yet, despite this closeness, walls remain—walls not of brick or stone, but of language. News, the very pulse of the world, flows freely but not evenly. It reaches many, but not all, leaving those beyond the English speak in a silence, disconnected.

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Shan Huang

Founder & CEO